If you have an opinion (don't fool yourself, you know you have one!) then answer one or more of these questions:
- Does God still speak?
- Has He ever spoken to you?
- Is there only one godly choice for every decision?
- What happens if you miss God's best?
- How long do you wait for an answer from God?
- How can you be sure it is God speaking?
Of course I have an opinion too. I promise I'll share it in a day or two.
Question: Is there only one godly choice for every decision?
We were kinda talking about this at youth group last night...I think it totally depends on what your motives are in the dicisions...I mean it could be totally ok for you but not ok for someone else....you see my point? I think that there can be more then one dicision but, you should God in it and be sure it's Him speaking and not you.
well! glad your home Lauren! love you and hope to see ya soon! =)
p.s. not so sure that answered the question! if not sry!
hmm...all "to high for me to attain to" if you know what I mean...
I've been thinking a lot about #4 "What if you miss God's best"
For a couple of years now in fact, while spazzing out about whether or not to go to college, among most other decisions in my life...like what I should eat for breakfast.
I'm beginning to be amazed at God's Perfectness and Ability...ability to be totally Sovereign whatever we "choose" in our humanness. I keep feeling like I've made the gravest mistakes and done things I didn't mean to do, while all along, God seems to be saying, "Can you trust Me with your bad choices?" and the words of Joseph to his brothers keep ringing in my ears:
"Do not be grieved or angry with yourselves, that you sold me here, because God has sent me here for the saving of many lives."
Gen. 45:5
God is so full of mercy and power, that I'm pretty sure I'm too small to ruin my own life! He knows that I long to please Him.
I hope you were expecting an epistle...I take it you were :)
Love you friend!
YES! More questions to make me noodle my noggin! Lauren, I sure missed your questions while you were at Excel. I'll comment my opinions this afternoon after I think about them some more.
Does God still speak? Of course! And I can tell you that he speaks to me in my spirit, although I don't claim it is inerrant, I may misunderstand, and it may not be the voice of God every single time- it takes prayerful discernment over time, to test the spirits, and it helps to have my wife with me in prayer. I'm not infallible. The Bible says "Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said." [1 Corinthians 14:29]
Jack Deere's book "Surprised by the Voice of God" addresses this the most directly, although his first book "Surprised by the Power of the Spirit" is better, I think.
From what I understand, Jack was essentially "excommunicated" from our mutual Alma Mater, namely "cessasionist" Dallas Theological Seminary. I appreciate the commitment to the inerrant Word there at the seminary, and I am very thankful for the privilege that my wife and I had to study there. But the word teaches "Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday and today and forever." [Hebrews 13:8]
Thanks for the comments!
Jesse, I think you got your point across just fine, thanks for being the first of the few!
Orchard Christian Church,
I'm honored by your interest in my blog. I have heard about Jack Deere's books more than once recently, but haven't had the chance to get my hands on one. On a note of interest, my uncle graduated from Dallas Theological in 'o5.
I absolutely love your quote: I'm pretty sure I'm too small to ruin my own life! Amen! isn't that a relief?
I know you are just sitting around trying to think of what you are going to comment. =) just kidding.
Thanks again everybody for reading and commenting.
Thanks for writing this.
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